"Based on your drawing and the 10 answers you gave this is a summary of your personality:You are sensitive and indecisive at times. You are good at making friends and when the joyful moment arrives, you make the most out of it. You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. Once you have a problem, you need a friend with you. son. You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You see the world as it is, not as you believe it should be. You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt. You don't think much about yourself."
Eh, wa laos..I forgot my spa amenities, tea table, mahjong table, dog and huge swimming pools... ahaha.. Anyway, here's the link (that looks abit weird)
[URL=http://drawahouse.com/houses/show.asp?houseID=501895&houseHash=0add7263b0934f038098b7e432c000e9] [IMG]http://drawahouse.com/houses/2007/4/29/501895_t.gif[/IMG] Click here to view my house[/URL]
Friday, April 27, 2007
I'm 20. Its the big-o-figure-2. And, i'm not really sad about growing old, being another step closer to adulthood. Nope. Not at all. Not when I know that I'm filled with love. Love from everybody around me-my family, my gurls, my friends and a special addition, my boy. And I love you, CAROL LIEW and LEE MEOW ZHI. Haha.
I had a paper on the 25th, and another, on the 26th. Kinda spoiled everything but your surprises made me pondered over the true meaning of friendship and the importance of it all. True great friends are indeed like rare diamonds. (: And once again, carol liew kai ting, i shall nag: you better study hard for your remaining papers. I know you've put in lots and lot and lots of efforts for the video. haha! *touched* LOL. Wells, the 20th birthday wouldnt be meaningful without the effort of you two beloved girls. We'll definitely be friends for life. 7 years of friendship and counting. The video's truly endearing. Many thanks to all who participated in the video in one way or another. The surprise was a short one but no worries! we'll play hard and resume tai tai status when the holidays kick in! woots.
HAHA.oh, and i'm seriously surprised at the birthday surprises we can plan for each other's birthday. It just gets better every year.
OH GOSH, I think this post is mushy. PUI. AND YES, I think the effect will be better if you play it with the above video. HAHA!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Take a look around Don't you see it See that you are the only real face in the room No one here has a clue what your feelin' Don't feel bad Keep your sadness alive
Look at all these happy people Living their lives Look at all these plastic people There's nothing insideLook at all these shallow people Telling their lies Look at all these empty people, people Don’t you know The misery loves company Yeah I heard The misery was looking for me Happiness, a face that don't look good on me Yeah I heard The misery is looking for me Whoa, misery's my company Whoa, misery is looking for me Looking for me
you redefined imperfection(:
Monday, April 23, 2007
My first paper was oh-my-god-did-i-actually-study kind of paper. I tried to vomit out shit but spend most of the time staring at the clock, listening to the thunder, watch the clock in the hall drop and glass cover shatter(it really dropped and even shocked Joon), watch the invigilators pace around and sniffing for the smell of cadavers. okay, I kinda exaggerated but I know you get my point. And, its not that I didnt try to memorise shit, as evident in my post below.-.-"
OH WELLS, 1 down...4 more. FOUR. eeyer.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
I had a tub of whats on the left with dear Mr S. followed by a dip in the pool after the pool is closed. I must say..
its REJUVENATING.weeeee.....(:
Saturday, April 21, 2007
study, study, study..everybody in freaking N*S are studying. I've been studying for the past few days too. And I'm very very sure nothing went in. I think I've been studying shit for shitty modules and I'm feeling shitty because those shit stuff havent been absorbed into the puny brain of mine. SHIT. shit. shit.shit. Can somebody pass me the toilet paper. wanna clean up the shit. Oh man, i think i'm talking shit. GRrrrrr....cant wait for 3rd may! -.-"
Thursday, April 12, 2007
As from SAM's dictionary..
definition of good food: good quality (as perceived by sam) ,good company.BURPppp. LOLS. definition of bad phone: dies within half a day irregardless of having it charged the night before. Heats up by itself and risk exploding when in use. definition of nice study partners: funny, retarded, crazy, snacks while studying, drinks gui hua with salty biscuits, plays with soft gummies or any sort of monster candy. hoho. (:
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Uncertainty catches up with us all the time in our lives. I mean, u can never be too certain about anything; even mixing red and blue paint together wouldnt necessarily give you purple. The state of uncertainty is scary; destroys the impetus in people to get things done. And,sometimes, you have got to take a stand, keep to it and be sure that "uncertainty" lags far behind you. Decide on whatever options available and stick to it. Not very difficult but it aint easy either..oh wells.
there's a limit to everything.
This is what happens on a Monday night at MPS as time goes by when some people have finished typing their documents earlier than others. And, the above is a slip of paper to keep track of who types what case. As you can see, when it gets later into the night, more case numbers and scribblings can be seen on the super small slip of paper, as shown below. It just gets messier. -.-" wells, maybe except for the beautiful stickgirl drawn by me.woots. And, this, as recommended by warhead, is really addictive. Nice drink to sneak into the library for long hours of study- green tea with GUI HUA. (:
Sunday, April 08, 2007
As from dictionary.reference.com,
bal-ance noun, verb, -anced, -anc-ing. -noun
3.mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior, judgment, etc. 7.the power or ability to decide an outcome by throwing one's strength, influence, support, or the like, to one side or the other.
-verb (used with object)
18.to bring to or hold in equilibrium; poise 19.to arrange, adjust, or proportion the parts of symmetrically. 20.to be equal or proportionate to
Tough? tell me about it.Grr.
Monday, April 02, 2007
See? that's the stage with the chandlier that went crashing down before the intermission. The stage definitely looked more impressive-Sam-sung's a little lousy.
VERY HAPPY KIDS. And so, I have been pretty busy over the past few days reading about dorsal-ventrally flattened species, placoid scales, jointed appendages and whatsoever that I think i can start communicating with you in phylums, kingdoms, classes and orders. -.-"
And, reading's not enough.(apparently) Cos I almost fainted when I tried to attempt those wordy MCQs- I hate sponges more than platyhelminths now.
And, why arent lesson's ending yet? They should give students more time to study man. The pathetic study break's not enough. eeyer.
Oh, but phantom was superb. Definitely value for money. Maybe its cos i didnt catch the original musical but this, I must say, surpassed my expectations. Ilyas can testify that. Haha. We had good seats (right in the middle). The casts could sing well and the phantom looked pretty decent. In addition, the props, costumes and effects were super cool la. The backstage crew were super efficient. AND, the band sounded as though it was the CD being played. Enchanting.
And, cos AC was also having their annual concert at that time, the few of us managed to meet up and cam-whored. Yes 5d..i think there are 2138873466r547 photos. HAHA. I love cam-whoring with my favourite peeps. It makes us happy kids, smiling from ear to ear. Weeeeeee...
My favourite of all. Praise my photo-editing skills man. Haha. Oh, and maybe 5d's long arms.(: