Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Communication is such an important tool in life. It keeps your emotional being alive and somehow keeps the world revolving all year round. A sense of utter desolation follows if day-to-day communication were to be ceased between you and the people around you- the bond between you and the world disintegrates; you are left in total bleakness.

Communication could mean a simple 'hi' or 'bye' and these simple two-three letter greetings actually helps sustain relationships between people (to a certain extent). Don't communicate and you will start losing friends. Don't communicate and you will start to feel distant between you and your family members. Don't communicate and love will never blossom. Don't communicate and your tutor will assume you are the geek who knows everything but in actual fact, you know nothing. Don't communicate and the waitress will think that you want ice water when you want ice lemon tea. I used to belittle the word. What word? THE word: Communication. I never used to believe in greeting an acquaintance or even a friend. Aha. Wells. As you start to age, you start to realize more important stuff that used to seem trivial and dumb.

This week is so so hectic! Maybe one day when I am taking off my contacts, I wouldn't even know my eyeballs got sucked out in the process....hoho.. :p

i'm gonna put a stop to it and tt's's it

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