Thursday, September 21, 2006

Somebody once told me, "Nobody in this world is indispensable" and it struck me how fallacious the statement was. I always feel that the people around me actually have some power to influence(influence not manipulate) certain aspects of my life and this is so for anybody else. And, without these people, life would be bland, monotonous and well, meaningless.

The optimists constantly spur you on and give you advices to motivate you. The pessimists make you consider other alternative viewpoints that you could have missed out in your life and probably offers you a chance to act as an optimist. The competitors pressurize you 24/7 and for those who get affected darn easily, break out in cold sweat and start studying probably at the speed of light. For those who don't give a damn,well, don't give a damn. Well, it's good to have competition in whatever you do. It spurs you on but it gets onto your nerves when they constantly try so hard to check up on you/catch up with you. The crazy and bitchy people somehow spice up your life and it's true. These people make up a big portion of my life. The superficial ones make you feel like puking especially when they strike very superficial and insincere conversations with you. The backstabbers, erm...well...can just make you feel like pushing them off the building or slicing up their brains for anat classes. The 'take things for granted' ones constantly neglect the feelings of close ones around them. Obviously, there are more classes than whatever I've mentioned and without them, I really cannot imagine the type of life I'll lead. Yes, I probably do sound a little intolerant but it is definitely not easy to put up a front and be nice to whoever you cannot tolerate so my theory will always stand: Why tolerate then? Apathy is probably THE word. Maybe one day, I'll learn to act as a hypocrite, (like some people out there) put on a mask and smile to you even though I cannot condone your behavior. Wells, it seems that the first option still sound better eh? So, be a NICE person. Stop irritating people around you if you fall in any of the above nasty categories. (:

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