Wednesday, August 09, 2006


After flag day yesterday at Orchard road, I realised that the young are probably more generous than the adults of the working class. It shocks me to find out that it is the men, those who are decently attired, are the ones more reluctant to donate. Men will either claim that they have no money or stuff their palm right in front of your face to reject your offer. Those who donate probably will say, "Thanks, I need this piece of sticker to escape." Or , "Are you guys all over Singapore? Oh...I need the sticker then." Young boys and girls, probably influenced by our Civics & Moral education system (er...) with good parental guidance, were less hesitant. They usually reply "Sure." and then empty their wallets of coins into our tins. Well, well, well.. it's not as though I will donate willingly whenever I see those flag-gers around. I will try all means to avoid them by taking out my handphones or walking far away, actions which I witnessed many times while flagging yesterday. Tsk tsk tsk. I told myself I'll donate after carol and I spent so much energy to flag for NKF long ago but I never did. Whaha. Okay, from now on, I'll seriously donate to all flag-gers out there whenever they approach me. For those of you who previously do not, should do so too. You know how tiring flagging can be.

Besides flagging yesterday, we slacked, talked and laughed. We had long lunches and break at Gelare's (of course it had to be Gelare's on Tuesdays).

The term is really gonna start this coming Monday and I'm still worrying about my modules. The next minimum bid point is increasing like exponentially la. Crazy people. And, it saddens me when seniors tell me that you don't make much good friends in university except in CCAs, clubs or orientation because all of us have different lecture and tutorial slots so, everyone is kinda like leading their own lives.

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