Thursday, July 27, 2006

Some many thoughts being put together(:

I sometimes blame myself for not putting full concentration into my driving lessons- my mind will be wandering somewhere and anywhere other than considering about situations on the road. I've been very slack lately since that possible day of getting my triangle plate is only in October (one should stay optimistic, yar?). So, I had a one- month break from driving recently and even when lessons started again, my lessons only take place once in two weeks (yes, Say Lin just reminded me how slack I am, compared to him). Then, if I were to make mistakes during the lessons, mistakes over what I was taught before, I would be disappointed in myself for being too slack. For example, while I was visiting some sort of Lala land yesterday when driving, the vehicle stalled on one of the main roads that I was happily driving on. It was seriously embarrassing but after that incident, I told myself I will never dare to day-dream and forget about changing gears whenever my car stops.

A paradigm of a human being, I would say. One will never cherish the moment you have until you realize that you have lost it. One will never remember the mistakes you make unless it made an impact or unless it has a grave effect. Till then, all will be too late. Regrets and remorse set it. You learn your lesson and swear never to do it again but the whole vicious cycle starts all over. Yes, vicious indeed.

Oh yes! and I think daniel's such a darling. He is both talented and confident! A fashion guru who designs be-autiful dresses for the ladies. I definitely wouldnt want to miss Project Runway every wednesday. It is a pity that this season is ending. Way to go, vosovic!

Anyway, I was browsing through this article and spotted 3 ways to train your brain to be happy! Yes, you can. The more you do activities that increase levels of feel-good chemicals like endorphins, the more your brain craves them. Three bliss-boosters to try:

Be a calender person.
Fill your Blackberry with plans you'll look forward to keeping. Positive emotion specialist, Lee Berk's research found that just the anticipation of good times cheers you up.

Suprise yourself.
A brain imaging study shows that trying something new-an unusual dish, say- floods your brain with joy-inducing dopamine.

Sing more!
According to the study, singing along to a favourite tune stimulates a part of the inner ear that triggers a pleasure response in the brain. give them a try and have your happy day! Cheers! (:

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